Agrupamento de Escolas de Constância -Portugal

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The Erasmus corner in the school

 The Erasmus corner of the school 


  The Portuguese students involved in the project



Our school is the headquarter of the group of schools of the County of Constância, which is composed by several units of public education: three Kindergarten, three Primary schools and one Basic and Secondary school (from 9 to 18 years old). These educational establishments are scattered over the three parishes of the County and in this academic year, there is a population of
759 students, 78 teachers and 35 non-teaching staff members.

Our school, applying this project, the EBS Luís de Camões, alone, has 405 students, 52 teachers, 5 technicians, 1 psychologist and 21 non-teaching staff members. It comprises both regular and professional education, the latest with courses ranging from cooks, waiters, electricians and tourist guides. There is also a strong sportive approach, having students that are national champions in several areas and there is a school group called MOVIRITMOS that often represents our school abroad.

The isolation, the small extension of the county and the desire for internationalisation make us search for experiences abroad that can enrich our school. We think that it is a must in nowadays world to educate young people in an European perspective and we consider that getting to know other cultures and different realities is priceless. This is the best way for the people involved, teachers and students, to practise and improve their English language skills, too.

We also want our students to broaden their horizons and to be open minded. It is essential to provide experiences where they can get information about future educational and jobs opportunities in Europe and we think this is the right project for that.

The coordinator and the contact person will be the English teacher Paula Pontes, who has already been involved in previous Etwinning, Comenius and Erasmus+ projects. There is a team of teachers, being one of the members involved and deeply committed, the Director of the school, Olga Antunes, so there will be no problem in taking charge in case the current contact person leaves in the future.

There is a team of teachers from several subjects directly related and with experience in previous projects working on this one; there is the Director who wants to promote success in our school and knows that international projects are fundamental to share experiences and get to know new practices to implement; and there is the psychologist who is in charge of advising the students about their career choices and guiding them through the best path to get there, and that might well be studying and working abroad.


A video of the school

A video of the town