Albertus-Magnus-Gymnasium Bensberg. Cologne. Germany

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The AMG is a public school providing for secondary education (about 80 teachers, 900 students) near Cologne. The students mostly come from a background of higher educated parents (high social position, high income). We are a secondary school (Year 5 to Year 12) which the students leave with their university entrance qualifications.

Students can choose our English-bilingual profile (in these classes the social sciences are taught in English). As second language, all students choose French or Latin, many students also choose Spanish as a third language. Our students can also acquire English (Cambridge) and French(DELF) language certificates for various levels of competence. We have been granted the right to call ourselves a “CertiLingua school”, indicating our excellence on a European and language level.

Today, the single European Market offers a tremendous number of career opportunities which sometimes make young people feeling overwhelmed and disoriented. Many students just know that they would like to work in an international environment but do not really know how.

In this project we would like to underline and to support their will to leave borders behind them and to use opportunities in other countries. Therefore, it is crucial to have information about jobs, ways of qualification and economic forces in other countries. As an additional point, we want to show opportunities to students who leave school without taking their final exams, even if there are only few students who leave AMG without university entrance qualification.

Over the course of the project, we want to create a final product (e.g. App or a Wiki) that can be used by the career advisor to give our students insights and inspiration how to start their career. The coordinator and the contact person will be Daniel Klisch, teacher of Social Sciences (political sciences and economics) and French working closely together with Tanja Witteck, teacher of maths and chemistry. At the moment, they are working in an Erasmus+-project (MY EU-ID).

They will be head of a team consisting of three other teachers whose subjects are linked to the project and our career advisor at school. As we will work together closely (e.g. regular meetings, monitoring), we would be able to replace leaving persons at any time of the project. The teachers’ subjects are directly linked to the projects (such as social sciences/economics or chemistry); our career advisor at school (teacher of natural sciences and maths) will support our project.

We already have long term partnerships with business companies in the greater region of Cologne: We cooperate with enterprises working on chemistry and plastics (e.g. Barlog plastics GmbH) or with BAYER AG, that will support us with ideas and insights such as practical trainings for the students participating in the project. We can also count on the support of the principal and the parents of our students.